Versies vergeleken


  • Deze regel is toegevoegd.
  • Deze regel is verwijderd.
  • Formattering is gewijzigd.


To obtain a list of possible workgroup id’s together with their respective clearance levels, please see GetWorkgroupWithClearanceLevel.

It is not possible to set a higher clearance level than specified in the list retrieved from GetWorkgroupWithClearanceLevel.


The RetrieveDocument call can be used to obtain a zip-file containing all documents of a single request. When a callback url was specified during the StartSignFlow call, this url is called upon status updates, after which RetrieveDocument may be called.


This method can be used to obtain a list of workgroups available to the authenticated user, together with the highest possible clearance level for that workgroup.

Workgroup IDs can be used in the StartSignflow call to create a new request.