This chapter will describe the basics in authenticating with PKIsigning.
OpenID Connect
PKIsigning is using the OpenID Connect (OIDC) standard for authentication. OIDC extends the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol for use also as an authentication protocol.
The full specification for OIDC is available on the OpenID Foundation’s website at OpenID Connect Core 1.0 specification.
End-user authentication
The authentication flow of OIDC is most easily compared to logging in with a
Google or Facebook account. The end-user is redirect to a page of a trusted party and is then
asked to provide credentials and will possibly see a consent screen to allow sharing of
personal data with the calling party. It is to the end-user to either disclose the data or not.
OIDC will work in the same manner.
For ASP.Net middleware libraries are available to easily integrate with OIDC. Also for PHP some libraries are available to authenticate. For more information please check
The PKIsigning authentication server listens on endpoint
For development purposes, please use our staging endpoint:
Protocol flow
Client authentication
Every application using the PKIsigning API is considered a client. A client will receive its own
clientid and clientsecret which are required to establish a server to server connection with
our authentication server. Please contact our technical team to acquire your credentials.
A connection is created based on scopes. Scopes are areas of functionality to which the enduser
will grant the client access to. Every client should request the “openid” scope, which is required for OIDC. For platform integration, the “pkisigning.platform” scope is required.
For signing pdf documents directly with our engine (not required for platform integration), the client should request the “pkisigningAPI.signpdf” scope. To sign XBRL, the client should request the
“pkisigningAPI.signxbrl” scope.
An authentication request should also use “code” as response type.
For security purposes, the authentication information as supplied by PKIsigning will differ between production and staging environments. Please do not store PKIsigning credentials in config files in clear text.