The PKIsigning APIs both V1 and V2 use the following statuses
Active: the dossier is available on the platform, but has no signers attached
Completed: the dossier has been signed
Declined: the dossier has been declined
Error: an error has occurred while converting, sending invitations, or publishing to Digipoort/AFAS
Expired: the document has been moved to the recyclebin
Filing: the dossier is being published to Chamber of Commerce
InvitationExpired: the signing invitation of this dossier has been expired
New: the dossier is new on the platform and has not been viewed yet
PendingApproval: the dossier is awaiting adoption by the client
PendingDigipoort: the dossier is being processed by Digipoort
PendingDownload: the dossier is waiting to be downloaded by a client
PendingFiling: the dossier is awaiting publication
PendingSbrNexus: the dossier is being processed by SBR Nexus
PendingSignature: invitations for the document have been set and the document is awaiting signing
Processing: the dossier is being converted
Withdrawn: the dossier has been revoked for signing
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